Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Setting a Cat among the doves

The Week had an article on Shilpa Shetty doing the movie Babel along with Brad Pitt.

Considering the image used and the fact that she's just 4 days younger than Angelina Jolie, I wonder whether Brad the Cat will be able to keep his claws off her*.

Suzanne White makes an interesting point on the Sagittarius Cat, The Astute Go-Getter:
The love life of a Sag/Cat/Rabbit is never built on a flat plain where a family grows placidly like a happy field of mushrooms. There is so much verve and sexual drive here that practically nobody can ever keep up the pace. As a result, marriages can be hasty and short-lived. Sex oozes from this person's seductive nature...

© Suzanne White 1986-2006. All rights reserved.
While you're at it, check out the Gemini Cat, The Prudent Rebel. Let's see.

* Though, of course, as some doggerel goes:
Hogamus, higamus
Men are polygamous;
Higamus, hogamus
Women, monogamous.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger Sudarsan said...

Women can not be polygamous, they need to be polyandrous.


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